Hanover Area Probus Club Newsletters
Established September, 2014
February 2025
Our February Speaker is Dan Herrick, ED for Grey Bruce Makers

Dan serves as the Executive Director at Grey Bruce Makers, a nonprofit makerspace in Owen Sound, where he combines his passions for art, design, business, and fostering community connections.
Challenged to grow Grey Bruce Makers into a self-sustaining community workspace, Dan leverages his leadership skills, creative problem-solving, and technical expertise to empower individuals of all ages to explore and develop their skills in art, design, and technology.
Dan is a versatile artist and community builder with a rich background in scenic and production design for theatre and film. Dan’s career spans over a decade and his creative work has been recognized by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, where he received a nomination for Achievement in Art Direction/Production Design.
Through his work at Grey Bruce Makers, Dan is committed to fostering innovation, collaboration, and a sense of belonging, ensuring that the makerspace continues to thrive as a hub for creativity and community engagement.
Our January Speaker was Toni Kaastra, Hanover Public Library
Toni Kaastra's current role at the Hanover Library is Adult Programmer and Community Outreach Coordinator. Her mission is to connect people, build bridges, and to create spaces where everyone feels welcome. Below are the highlights of her presentation on what the Hanover Public Library offers.
A Message from Your President
Is it just me or are the “cool kids” using the words “Love you” more and more often? Do people really love each other more than they did in years gone by? I doubt it, but maybe we all should.
It doesn’t take a lot of effort in reviewing today’s headlines to see that “What the world needs now is love, sweet love”. I’m not saying that the increase in hate crimes and overall negativity is something new, but the positive flip side of it doesn’t get as much publicity.
How about during this month that draws focus to love and family that we catch ourselves in perpetuating negative speak and focus on the positive and love with our family, friends and acquaintances!
Love you guys!!!
Recipe for Sault Ste. Marie Tieplates from Bill Trbovich
I have had a request for the recipe for Sault Ste. Marie Tieplates. First of all you need a Tie Plate maker or Pizzelle Maker, available online at Wal-Mart!
6 eggs
3 1/2 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 TBSP of Vanilla or Anise ...*you can also substitute Cognac, Grand Marnier, Rye, maple syrup
1 cup of margarine or butter melted...***DO NOT USE MORE OR SUBSTITUTE OIL
3 TSP of baking power
1/2 tbsp of salt
Beat eggs, adding sugar gradually, beat until smooth
Add cooled margarine or butter with vanilla or ainse or other flavours mentioned
Stir flour and baking powder
Blend into egg mixture until smooth. Dough will be sticky enough to be dropped by a spoon.
Bake in Pizzelle maker, makes roughly 45-60 tie plates
ONCE YOU DROP A DOLUP OF DOUGH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLATE, CLOSE LID FOR 50-60 SECONDS, OPEN LID AND PEEL FINISHED TIE PLATE OFF OF THE PLATE WITH A FORK. The length of time you close the lid will dictate the colour of your tie plate...light brown or darker brown. Any longer than 1 minute and you could burn the tie plate.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
February Probus Activity Updates
Don’t stop enjoying outdoor activities or don’t participate because you feel you are not able to keep the pace. Talk to these activity coordinators about your situation so they are aware of your situation and can provide a modified activity pace. They already do promote going at your own pace. We want members to participate and enjoy these activities.
Sign up any time - Members can sign up for any activity at any time. Contact The Activity Group Chair by e-mail at act@hapc.ca for further details. Members can also access the activity coordinators phone number or e-mail address directly from the club membership booklet/or club members listing which is available from the Membership Chair Alison Greenaway-Coates.
Experience an Activity as a Guest - Prior to signing up members are encouraged to experience an activity as a guest. Contact the activity coordinator to advise them you would like to attend their activity. A member may attend as a guest “one time only” before signing up.
Carry Identification - Recommend that all Probus members always carry their identification with them (such a health card or driver’s license etc.) while participating in any group activity.
Emergency Contact - Recommend that all Probus members always carry with them an emergency contact person name and phone number while participating in any group activity.
Pictures of Members - At various activity events pictures may be taken and appear in the Probus website newsletter and photos albums. If a member does not want their picture to appear on the website please ensure you do not participate when pictures are taken.
Name Badge - Suggest members purchase a second Probus name badge to wear when attending all activities.
Activity Fees - Scotch Tasting, Wine Tasting, Theatre, and Travel each collect fees from participants for their activities. On line e-transfers to tres@hapc.ca are the preferred method of payment however cash and cheque are also accepted.
Theatre Mtg
The lineup of 7 theatre productions that members will attend May through August 2025 include: Love, Loss and What I Wore, Comedy at Hanover Civic Theatre, Sunday February 23; Bed & Breakfast, Comedy at Orangeville Theatre, Wednesday March 26; Bare Bear Bones, Comedy at Hanover Civic Theatre, Sunday April 27; The Full Monty, Comedy at St. Jacobs Country Playhouse, Tuesday May 27; Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Comedy at Avon Theatre, Stratford, Wednesday June 18; Grease, Musical at Drayton Festival Theatre, Wednesday July 23; and Million Dollar Quartet, Musical at Hildebrand Schoolhouse Theatre, St. Jacobs, Tuesday August 19
Coordinators: Peter Dalton and Tracey Neuman
Wine Taste
Ring in 2025 was a great success (see pictures below). The hotel did a fantastic job—the food was amazing and the service was wonderful. Dan picked some great wines that everyone enjoyed and provided us a lot of information about those wines. Everyone attending helped to make the evening a fun time.
Our next wine tasting is Comfort Food on Monday February 24 at 1pm at the Hanover Curling Club. Helen has chosen some great foods and Dan has selected some good wines. It should be another fun time. If you are interested in trying Austrian wines, plan to join us at the Curling Club on Thursday April 24th. Details about this tasting will be sent out in early March.
Committee: Frances Agnew, Micki Bruschke, Dan Hobler, Helen Peppler
On Thursday January 9th, ten members braved the cold and hit the trails at Sulphur Springs. The following weeks other local trails enjoyed were the Brant Tract and Carrick Tract. Here’s hoping good snow conditions continue so members can get out there and enjoy good snowshoeing.
Coordinator: Vern Freer
Local and Area Events
Join us January 27 from 1:00pm - 3:00pm and treat yourself to an afternoon of creativity and relaxation at our Crafternoon event! Join us as we make personalized Self-Care Boxes filled with thoughtful items we provide to boost your wellness. This year, prioritize your well-being, celebrate your uniqueness and express yourself through art! Registration Required, Cost $15
Keep an eye on our events calendar for all our upcoming activities and events! https://hanoverlibrary.ca/calendar/
For all our events, visit library.brucecounty.on.ca/events or contact your local branch.
For more information on all upcoming Library programs and events: https://www.westgreylibrary.com/programs-events
Hanover Recreation and Culture events and programs: https://www.hanover.ca/recreation-culture
Brockton Parks and Recreation Dept Programs:
Brockton series of FREE upcoming Senior’s Social Drop-In’s (games, refreshments), happens in Walkerton, Elmwood and Cargill until the end of March. These drop-in’s are self-run by the participants, however there will be cards, crokinole and refreshments available. See more information on this link: https://www.brockton.ca/parks-recreation-culture/recreation-programs/
Life Long Learning Events for 2025
Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning - Owen Sound
- Please see this link for details: https://bluewaterlearns.com/pages/lecture-series-2024-2025
Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute - Collingwood
- Please see this link for details: https://gtlli.ca/events/#!event-list
Third Age Barrie Lifelong Learning Association - Barrie
- Please see this link for details: https://www.thirdagebarrie.ca/
Next show for the Hanover Community Players
The next show for the Hanover Community Players will be Love, Loss and What I Wore, which opens February 22nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Theatre. Further shows are: Feb. 23rd at 2:00 p.m. February 27th, 28th at 7:30 with a 2:00 p.m. matinee on March 1st. This is a co-production with the Kincardine Theatre Guild.