Management Committee
President – Janice Koehler
The president organizes and chairs the Management Committee meetings and the monthly General meetings.
Past President – Helen Peppler
Past President provides assistance to the President and chairs the Nomination Committee.
1st Vice President – Terry Koehler
The 1st Vice President acts in the absence of the President.
2nd Vice President – Vacant
The 2nd Vice President acts in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President.
Secretary – Darlene Bohnert
The Secretary records the minutes of meetings and when required, distributes information to the club members.
Treasurer – Helen Peppler
The Treasurer keeps the club books, does all necessary banking, disperses funds as required, and prepares the Annual Budget and Financial Statement.
Membership Chair – Alison Greenaway-Coates
The Membership Chair registers returning and new members, maintains an electronic database of active and inactive members and produces the Probus Club Booklet.
Communications Chair – Loretta Dunn
The Communications Chair compiles the monthly newsletter and distributes it to the club members.
Program Chair – Bill Trbovich
The Program Chair arranges the speakers for the monthly meetings.
Activity Group Chair – Dianne Mather
The Activity Group Chair promotes activity groups within the club and provides group updates at monthly meetings.
Hospitality Chair – Robin Hill
The Hospitality Chair prepares the refreshments for the monthly meetings.
Greeter Co-Chairs – Wendy McDougall & Monica O’Hagan
The Greeter Chair welcomes all Probus members to monthly meetings and ensures that the visitors sign the guest book.
Members at Large - Florence Gutscher & Bob Waram
Participate in the Management Committee meeting and become aware of how the committee works while offering their perspective, volunteer for any tasks or subcommittees, as necessary. Note, this role does not have voting privileges within the Management Committee.
Technical Chair - Craig Brown
Maintain the club website, edit upload and email a link to monthly General Meeting (GM) video and setup GM audio/visual system and host hybrid meeting on Zoom.