Hanover Area Probus Club Newsletters
Established September, 2014
January 2025
Our January Speaker is Toni Kaastra, Hanover Public Library

Our January speaker is Toni Kaastra, who was born and raised on a farm in Huron County. She will be joined by Alexander Taylor, Branch Manager. He holds a Master's degree in Information and Library Sciences from the University of Western Ontario and has been a part of the Hanover Library team for the past year.
Toni’s current role at the Hanover Library is Adult Programmer and Community Outreach Coordinator. For her, this role isn't just a job - it's a calling. Her mission is to connect people, build bridges, and to create spaces where everyone feels welcome. What she loves most about her position is being able to further connect a community. “Being raised in a small town instilled in me that community is very important.”
Toni moved to in Hanover in 2014 and she is a busy mom of 3 teenagers. She really enjoys being a part of her community and currently sits on the JDSS parent council and the Chamber of Commerce executive team. She is very passionate about what she does – she says it's about creating connections, understanding diverse perspectives, and ensuring that no one feels forgotten.
News and reminders from your Management Committee
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Probus Christmas luncheon a great success!
Probus Global is a network of Probians from all over the world who meet quarterly on ZOOM. If interested,
you can visit https://probusglobal.org/ and follow the route to become a member at NO cost as long as you are
a Probus member.
Probus Canada would like all members to see all the news, so here is a link to their news page:
A Message from Your President
Happy New Year!! Instead of the regular boring old resolutions like eating more healthy or losing weight, how about we try some of these ideas from www.countryliving.com?
- Order every drink on the Tim Horton’s Menu.
- Flamingo a friend’s yard for their birthday or an anniversary.
- Perfect your charcuterie board skills.
- Write your own Facebook captions.
- Stop drinking your morning coffee AFTER you brush your teeth.
- Celebrate Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas, in July!
- Exercise…your right to Taco Tuesday!
- Stop blaming my farts on the dog.
- Wine down the day with a glass of vino…oh, wait, you’ve already perfected that resolution.
- Treat your car to regular disco carwashes.
- Be on a first name basis with your regular pizza delivery person.
- Perfect your favorite celebrity impression.
- Spend a night ending each and every sip of your drink with an enthusiastic, “Ahhhhh, baby!”
- See how many times you can watch your favorite series back to back, in one year, without getting bored.
Here's some great healthy recipes to start off the New Year
Serve along side with lots of colorful veggies. Enjoy! Robin
January Probus Activity Updates
For full activities details and information: see the Hanover Area Probus Club (HAPC) website www.hapc.ca/activitieslist/ or contact Dianne Mather, Activity Group Chair at act@hapc.ca
Film Club
Our film group (15 members) meets the 3rd Thursday of each month on Zoom (except June, July, August and December). Each member is assigned a month where they are the host of the meeting. The host chooses a film from Netflix that the members view in advance of the zoom meeting. At the meeting (approximately 1 hour) the host facilitates the discussion of the movie. Movies viewed in 2024: The Wonderful, Leave the World Behind, 6 Below Zero, Gifted Hands, Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, Penguin Bloom, The Long Game, A Man Called Otto.
Coordinator: Pat Butler
We have several new players (bringing our total to 9) and hope to be back to pre-Covid participation this year. We had a seasonal gathering and game on December 5th. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month (except July and August) at 1:30 pm. Members volunteer to host a game in their home and provide refreshments and we usually play two games. It’s a fun non-competitive relaxed atmosphere.
Coordinator: Ruth Linnen
Dinner Club
One group of diners taking part in the November Dinner Club was held at the home of Margaret and Stephen Peckham. Attending were Helen and John Peppler, Sally Kormann and Cathy Caicco. The menu was based on Scottish Comfort Food that included Smoked salmon on Tattie scones, Carrot and Cumin soup, Mince with Tatties and Cranach for dessert. The second dinner was hosted by Tina and Jim Shier but sadly no pictures. The group went to Italy. The menu consisted of a Charcuterie board with cheeses and salami etc., Eggplant Parmesan, tossed green salad and a Lemon ricotta cake with fruit for dessert. Attending were Grace Bridgman, Steve Struthers and Janice and Terry Koehler.
Coordinator: Karen Farrow
Knitting & Crocheting
The group went on a road trip to Owen Sound on November 22, shopped at Riverside Yarns wool store and enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Tipsy Fox Bar and Grill (see picture above). We are pleased that 6 members signed up at the Oct 9th Meet and Greet meeting, bringing our group total to 17 members. Our January meeting will be on Monday January 13th and Monday January 27th, weather permitting.
Coordinator: Nina McTeer
Wine Tasting
The wine tasting group is wrapping up 2024 with our New Year’s Eve dinner and wine tasting “Ring in 2025” at the Best Western Hotel in Walkerton. It’s sure to be a fun evening with 80 people are attending (many have booked rooms at the hotel). No date has been set but we’re hoping to do a wine tasting near the end of February. Stay tuned for more info.
Committee: Frances Agnew, Micki Bruschke, Dan Hobler, Helen Peppler
Book Club
In 2024, the Book Club met once a month (except for the summer). Unlike other book clubs, we do not read the same book but instead decide on a theme/genre or author. This year those included books featuring India; intelligent animals; books by Ruth Ware and Rebecca Serle, and historical dramas about interesting women.
Coordinators: Loretta Dunn and Lynda Taylor Basilij
Pot Luck
The next potluck lunch event theme is a recipe from Grandma, to be held at the Hope Church on January 20, 2025. The upcoming 2025 luncheons are the 3rd Monday in March, May, July, September, and November.
Coordinator: Marybelle Schumacher
Over 40 members attended and thoroughly enjoyed Hanover Community Players production of “The Sound of Music” at the Hanover Civic Theatre on Sunday December 8th. The amazing acting and singing was performed by a very talented and energetic cast of over 40 children and adults. The show was sold out with lots of applause from theatre patrons. Members gathered at the Red House Eatery Restaurant in Hanover for supper after the show.
Coordinators: Peter Dalton and Tracey Neuman
The next “Joint Travel/Theatre” meeting will be January 21, 2025 at 11:00 am at the Red House Eatery Restaurant in Hanover. An e-mail notice will be sent out to members providing details and information that will be presented at the meeting.
Committee: Dianne Mather, Peter Dalton, Margaret Elliot-Niesen, Joan Roseborough
Local and Area Events
Keep an eye on our events calendar for all our upcoming activities and events! https://hanoverlibrary.ca/calendar/
PA Day Valentines for Seniors: Jan. 31 in Cargill 10:30am, in Walkerton 2:30 pm. To register, call your local branch, and for all other events visit library.brucecounty.on.ca/events or contact your local branch. For all our events, visit library.brucecounty.on.ca/events or contact your local branch.
For more information on all upcoming Library programs and events: https://www.westgreylibrary.com/programs-events
Hanover Recreation and Culture events and programs: https://www.hanover.ca/recreation-culture
Brockton Parks and Recreation Dept Programs:
Brockton is excited to announce a series of FREE upcoming Senior’s Social Drop-In’s (games, refreshments), happening throughout the Municipality until the end of March. These drop-in’s are self-run by the participants, however there will be cards, crokinole and refreshments available. See more information on this link: https://www.brockton.ca/parks-recreation-culture/recreation-programs/
Life Long Learning Events for 2025
Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning - Owen Sound
- Please see this link for details: https://bluewaterlearns.com/pages/lecture-series-2024-2025
Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute - Collingwood
- Please see this link for details: https://gtlli.ca/events/#!event-list
Third Age Barrie Lifelong Learning Association - Barrie
- Please see this link for details: https://www.thirdagebarrie.ca/