Hanover Area Probus Club Newsletters

Established September, 2014      

November 2024

Our November Speaker is Marilyn Dickson

Marilyn Dickson

Marilyn’s presentation will describe how a few Canadian born women were able to make a significant contribution to the war effort, as pilots during the second world war.

Marilyn learned to fly in 1988 and subsequently used a flying metaphor in her doctoral dissertation. She became a Flight Instructor in 1999 and flew Ontario Environment Ministry investigators to identify pollution sites and as copilot for Bruceland Air’s charter operation.

In 2006 Marilyn was awarded the Ninety-Nines Amelia Earhart Research Scholarship to research the work of early Canadian pilot Vi Milstead,  whom she successfully nominated for an Order of Canada and induction into Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame.

During her work with Vi, Marilyn identified and researched 9 Canadian born women who joined the Air Transport Auxiliary in Britain  and flew during the Second World War.  This was a civilian organization which delivered 309,011 military aircraft (from small training planes, fast fighters, to multi-engine bombers) to military bases throughout the British Isles  and later to continental Europe.

“Meet & Greet” - 10th Anniversary event

It was a great success with over 110 members attending!

Thank you to all the Volunteer Activity Coordinators and their Assistants for making this event a great success!  At the October 9th meeting, these volunteers were very creative and excited to set-up their tables to meet and greet members (see pictures below) and to showcase and promote our clubs 19 activities. Members were invited to visit each table to learn about the activities, ask questions and share any suggestions.  At each activity table sign-up sheets were available and members entered their names in a draw to win lots of great prizes. 

Top picture: Volunteer Activity Coordinators and Committee Members

Back Row: Bob Farrow, Ulli Kaempfe, Robin Hill, Terry Koehler, Joan Ferguson, Karen Farrow, Ruth Los, Vern Freer, Paul Scott Front Row: Dianne Mather, Helen Peppler, Dan Hobler, Bev Hambly, Ruth Linnen, Kathy Greensides, Marybelle Schumacher, Nina McTeer, Peter Dalton, Lynda Taylor Basilij

Absent from Photo: Loretta Dunn, Pat Butler, Garry MacGregor, Tracey Neuman, Frances Agnew, Joan Roseborough, Margaret Elliot-Niesen, Micki Bruschke

Bottom picture: President Janice Koehler (left) accepts a 10th anniversary plaque from Probus Area Director June Ayrhart (right).

21 Prizes and 21 Winners!

*Book Club-$25 cash –Sherri Brewis*Bridge-Set of Bridge Cards & Pen-Georgia Kreager *Cross Country Skiing-Fancy Pastry treat from Schultz Bakery Hanover- Robin Hill *Cycling-Fancy Pastry treat from Schultz Bakery Hanover-Eva Wilkin*Dinner Club-$25 Voucher from The Cook’s Cupboard-Leo Milne*Eating For Your Health-Bottle of Southampton Olive Oil-Albert Bonneveld  *Film Club-$25 Voucher-Paramount Theatre Hanover-Joan Ferguson*Golf-$25 Voucher from Walkerton Golf Club-Denise Hobler*Hiking- hand carved by member Vern Freer a wooden hiking figurine-Brenda Campbell *Kayaking-on-board safety items-Nina McTeer*Knitting & Crochet-$25 Voucher-Alison Greenaway- Coates*Pole Walking-Walking Poles-Dianne Mather*Pot Luck-Bag of Pantry Items-David Mercey*Scotch Tasting-$25 Voucher from The Cook’s Cupboard-Dan Hobler*Scrabble-$50 Voucher from Ashanti Café Hanover- Sally Kormann* Snow Shoeing- hand carved by member Verne Freer a wooden snowshoeing figurine -Jane Eaton *Theatre-(two prizes) 2 Hanover Community Players theatre tickets $60 value-Heather Zettler; and $25 Cash-Wanita Halliday*Travel (two prizes) $100 travel voucher from Direct Travel Hanover-Karen Farrow and $25.00 Cash-Mona Duffy*Wine Tasting-Bottle of Wine-Ed Peppler

A Message from Your President

Have you ever had writers block?  Is there even such a thing when you’re not an author?  I have to admit that writing an article 10 months a year isn’t all that difficult….however…..coming up with something to write about can be a real challenge!

I’ve already written about beautiful weather, an annoying cat, my new car, and the 10th year anniversary of the Hanover and Area Probus Club.  What does that leave?  Is a vote in order?   Should I write about the challenges that I have with my oven?  Maybe the thoughts we’re having on renovating the house?  Or how about the fact that I’m thrilled that we may have the money to go on a vacation this winter (Woohoo!!)?

The answer is “None of the Above”. I think that I’ll have an article about nothing.  Sometimes, just doing nothing, reading about nothing or writing about nothing is good for the soul.  Despite being retired, I’m surprised about how much time I spend “roaring around” doing jobs and running errands.  I really should learn to relax a bit more.

Maybe tomorrow.  I have to go to an appointment, do the dishes, clean the bathrooms….


Club Business Corner

Last month’s general meeting was dedicated to activities and starting the celebration of our 10th anniversary as a club.   One important piece of news delivered was that one of our current members at large, Darlene Bohnert has volunteered to be our club secretary.   The club secretary is a vital role in our Management Committee in both keeping the current and archived records of our club.   It’s great to have this vacant role filled.   Currently that leaves us with a vacancy in the position of 2nd Vice President and we are always looking for interested members to join the Management Committee as members-at-large.   It isn’t a huge commitment of time, but it is vital that we have members willing to contribute their time and skills in keeping our club vibrant for our second decade and beyond.   

The interest in our Christmas lunch has been very strong, and we have almost filled all of the available seats.    For those that have signed-up, but not yet paid, we will hold your reservations until the next meeting, we will have a desk set up at the November general meeting and you can drop by before the start of the meeting and pay.   Alternately you can provide payment by E-Transfer or via drop off at either Robin Hill’s (Hanover) or Terry Koehler’s (Walkerton) houses.    By the social break at the November meeting, we will open up the remaining spots to members or non-members (noting non-member price is $35) to sign-up.   We are looking forward to a great Christmas Lunch.

Terry Koehler

News and Reminders

Probus Global is a network of Probians from all over the world who meet quarterly on ZOOM If interested, you can visit https://probusglobal.org/ and follow the route to become a member at NO cost as long as you are a Probus member.   

 Probus Canada would like all members to see all the news, so here is a link to their news page:  https://www.probuscanada.ca/news 


  • Experience an activity prior to signing-up Members are invited to contact the coordinator to attend their activity
  • New Activities Is there an activity that you enjoy and would volunteer to coordinate? Please contact Dianne Mather, Activity Chair for more details.
  • For Full Activities Details and Information: See the Hanover Area Probus Club (HAPC) website www.hapc.ca/activitieslist/
  • Or contact Activity Group Chair, Dianne Mather at act@hapc.ca

There are 19 Activities and 27 coordinators and committee members that volunteer their personal time and talents to ensure members have lots of opportunities to enjoy various activities.   

List of Activities with Volunteer Coordinators and Committee Members:

Book Club-Loretta Dunn and Lynda Taylor Basilij; Bridge-Bev Hambly; Cross Country Skiing-Terry Koehler; Cycling-Terry Koehler; Dinner Club-Karen Farrow; Eating For Your Health-Kathy Greensides and Robin Hill; Film Club-Pat Butler; Golf-Ulli Kaempfe; Hiking-Vern Freer; Kayaking (new-start 2025)-Paul Scott; Knitting & Crochet-Nina McTeer; Pole Walking-Joan Ferguson; Pot Luck-Marybelle Schumacher

Scotch Tasting-Bob Farrow and Garry MacGregor; Scrabble-Ruth Linnen Snow Shoeing-Vern Freer; Theatre-Peter Dalton & Tracey Neuman; Travel Committee-Dianne Mather, Peter Dalton, Joan Roseborough, Margaret Elliot- Niesen;  Wine Tasting Committee-Frances Agnew, Micki Bruschke, Dan Hobler, Helen Peppler  

Pot Luck

We had lots of people enter our draw and we were pleasantly surprised with 6 members signing up. The next Potluck is Monday November 18th at 12 noon at Hope Church in Hanover.  Coordinator - Marybelle Schumacher



We had a great turnout at our scrabble activity table. Sally Kormann was the winner of our $50 voucher from Ashanti’s Café Hanover with the word “peers” scoring 56 points. We are very pleased that 4 new members are joining us this season. Reminder we meet every second Thursday at 1:30 pm. We rotate the hosting of our games and enjoy refreshments of tea, coffee and a sweet! We are a fun bunch, very relaxed and support one another in our word making (the dictionary and cheat sheet helps as well!) Coordinator - Ruth Linnen

Eat for Your Health

The “Meet & Greet” activity group format was a great success and provided an opportunity for everyone to engage in good conversation. 5 new members signed up. Dedicated time for the activities provided time to visit each table and not feel too rushed. Décor at our table included a fresh loaf of Robin Hill’s famous sourdough bread, olive oil, olives and Marilyn Ross brought a bouquet of fresh kale from her garden.  The gift draws were fun and very engaging. Our olive oil prize fit in perfectly as our upcoming Nov. 7th meeting is with Southampton Olive Oil Company doing a demonstration. Coordinators -  Kathy Greensides and Robin Hill

Scotch Tasting

On Wed. Nov. 6th the group will gather at the Hanover Masonic Hall for our final tasting of 2024. Rodger Donald will lead us through the experience, sharing his knowledge, history and nuances of Scotland’s celebrated spirit. On this occasion our 3 whiskies are 15 year old Dalwhinnie, 12 year old Bunnahabhain and 12 year old Arbelour. They will be accompanied by snacks that will enhance the experience and promote the flavours of each. I am happy to say that our tasting is full. But if you are interested, your name can go on a waiting list if there is a cancellation. Next year we are hoping to host an Irish Whisky tasting on Mar. 17, 2025 in honour of Ireland’s patron Saint.  More details will follow in the New Year. Slainte.  Co-Chairs:  Bob Farrow & Garry MacGregor

Wine Taste

The “Meet and Greet” on Oct 9th was successful. Several people signed up for the “Ring in 2025” New Year’s event and 12 new members joined our group. The committee is very busy working on two wine tasting events to end 2024.  Mon. Nov. 18th at the Hanover Curling Club at 1:00pm is a “Taste of Greece” and we will enjoy 5 Greek wines paired with amazing Greek dishes prepared by Helen.

We will end the year with “Ring in 2025”a New Year’s Eve dinner and wine pairing at the Best Western in Walkerton. The theme is New Year’s Eve in Paris. We have a few spots available for this event.

Please contact Frances Agnew for more information on these two events.

Committee: Frances Agnew, Micki Bruschke, Dan Hobler, Helen Peppler


The special “Meet & Greet” meeting on Oct 9th was a great success! We welcome 14 new members to our group. The next theatre outing is “The Sound of Music” performed by Hanover Community Players at the Hanover Civic Theatre Sun. Dec. 8th at 2:00 pm. Group tickets price $27, deadline to order is Nov. 8,  deadline for payment is Nov 13 and tickets will be distributed at Nov 13th meeting. A group meal reservation has been made at “The Red House Eatery” following the performance. Coordinators:  Peter Dalton and Tracey Neuman

Local and Area Events

Fall Lecture Series at Grey Roots Museum

Join us Tuesdays at 1:00 PM from October 29 to November 19 for our Fall Lecture Series in the Thomas                          Wheildon Theatre. Enjoy in-person lectures, with October 29 lecture also available online. 

Complimentary refreshments follow each lecture. No advance registration needed, admission includes

access to the museum. Grey Roots members get in free!

  • November 5: The Roots of Grey Roots
  • November 12: The Cinderella Campaign: First Canadian Army and the Battles for the Channel Ports
  • November 19: Crusaders serving the world: Going to war with the Royal Canadian Air Force

Older and Wiser: Medical Assistance in Dying – MAID

Medical assistance in dying (MAID) is a process that allows someone who is found eligible to be able to receive assistance from a medical practitioner in ending their life. Julie, Manager of Patient Services, will be in the Saugeen Room Wednesday, November 6 at 11 am to answer all your questions about eligibility, rules and regulations. Register at the Library.

Older and Wiser: Cannabis Safety for Seniors

VIP Cannabis will be in the Saugeen Room Wednesday, November 13 at 10:30 am to discuss cannabis use in the senior population. They will teach you everything you need to know about safe cannabis use and providing education on various products and uses to allow you to make informed decisions. Register at the Library.

Older and Wiser: Elder Abuse Prevention

Come to the Saugeen Room Tuesday, November 26th at 1 pm to learn how to protect yourself. Angela Yenssen, Lawyer with Grey-Bruce Community Legal Clinic, will educate you on the new services available here in Grey-Bruce and how to get support.

For more details on these and all Library programs: https://hanoverlibrary.ca/happening/#adult-programs 

Local Author Cindy Matthews – Cargill Branch, Friday, November 8, 1pm

Join Cindy for a reading from her latest book, “The Roach Family and Other Stories”, and have an opportunity to ask questions and hear about her journey as a writer. Registration appreciated.


Wills and Power of Attorney for Seniors - Walkerton, Thursday, November 14, 2pm

A lawyer from the Grey Bruce Community Legal Clinic will be onsite for an information session on this important legal topic for seniors. Registration required.

For more information on these and all other upcoming Library programs and events: https://library.brucecounty.on.ca/branch/walkerton/


For more information on this and all other upcoming Library programs and events:  https://www.westgreylibrary.com/programs-events

Hanover Recreation and Culture events and programs: https://www.hanover.ca/recreation-culture


 We have some exciting new programs and opportunities for Adults in Brockton!

  • These include: Gentle Fitness, Beginner Fitness, Women and Weights, Zumba and Pound and an Indoor Walking Program.

Lots of sessions to choose from, and registration is open into Spring of 2025! 

Brockton Parks and Recreation Dept Programs: https://www.brockton.ca/en/be-active/Recreation-Programs.aspx


Life Long Learning Events for 2024

Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning - Owen Sound 

Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute - Collingwood

Third Age Barrie Lifelong Learning Association - Barrie